
Nicholas Wells

Nicholas Wells

Student Director-Elect

Nicholas Wells

Nick is a second-year medical student at the UNC School of Medicine. He grew up in Asheville, NC, then attended undergrad at UNC Chapel Hill, where he graduated with a Bachelors in Psychology in 2019. He took 3 gap years before medical school, one of which he spent traveling and teaching piano, and two of which he spent in the MedServe Fellowship. Through MedServe, he worked as a scribe, telehealth coordinator, and diabetes health coach at the Celo Health Center, back in the Blue Ridge Mountains. He is currently serving as co-president of the Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) at UNC, which aims to introduce med students to the versatility and gratification in a career in family medicine. In his free time, you’ll likely find him playing pickleball, volleyball, or exploring in the woods!